Matchless 1930 Silver Arrow 2511



Matchless  1930  “Silver Arrow” 397 cc sv  18 °  V-twin  frame# 1548  engine # A 1279
This very non-orthodox machine was designed by Harry and Charlie Collier and presented in November 1929.
The machine had quite a number of advanced features, to name a few:
Vibrationless  twin cylinder engine, spring frame that is adjustable while riding, dry sump lubrication, enclosed valves,  inter-connected brakes, prop stand and detachable rear mudguard. The engine layout resulted in silent and smooth running and easy starting.
The cylinders are cast in a single block and the oil tank is bolted directly to the front of the crankcase.
Power is transmitted through a hand-operated Sturmey Archer  3 speed gearbox.
The coupled brakes are 8 inch in diameter.
Top speed is about 63 mph ( 100 km)
The engine is so flexible that  from 8 mph third gear can  be used.
Unfortunately, this splendid motorcycle was launched about a month after the New York Stock Exchange crash and the following depression   had a very adverse effect on the motorcycle market.
The Silver Arrow was relatively expensive and  costly to produce and in the course of 1933  the Matchless management decided to cease production.
This machine is a very nice restoration.